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Sikhi To The MAX II

I'm sure most of you have been to a Gurdwara while Kirtan is being sung, and seen the Gurbani with a translation projected onto a screen. Isn't this cool?? This is has changed the way that Gurdwaras in this modern age bring a deeper understanding of Gurbani to the sangat. In our Gurdwaras since the old days in the 70′s we didn't have this and relied on hundreds and hundreds of shabad sheets which were put together, copied and then organized in file cabinets. They would then be handed out in the Gurdwara so that we could sing along with the Shabad and understand the meaning.

Sikhi To The MAX II

We have come a long way since then in the world! With the digitalization of Gurbani and various translations becoming available, the options for viewing and searching through Gurbani are limitless. What we can do and how we can view Gurbani is really only limited by our creativity and imagination…and taking the time to create something new.

Sikhi To The MAX II software is a desktop search engine with some new features and presentation methods. These include Microsoft Powerpoint displays, Adobe Acrobat output and rich text and Akhand Paat scrolling. This is a great application for gurdwaras and schools.

Sikhi To The MAX II

One group of sevadhars has spent a lot of time to create some awesome services; making Gurbani accessible in so many different ways. They started with the SikhiToTheMax.com website which allows you to easily search for Gurbani Shabads with any computer connected to the internet and a basic web browser. They then released a software desktop version of SikhiToTheMax which allowed you to search and display Gurbani line by line in Gurdwaras. After that a PDA version was created so you could do Gurbani searches on the go… anywhere. A few Ragis use this cool tool.

Sikhi To The MAX II


As the setup file is 44Mb in size we have stored it on Google Drive at the following location.

Click on the link and select the file to download.

Once downloaded, double click on 'sikhi_to_the_max_II_setup.exe' and follow the instructions to install on your computer (for Windows Vista/ Windows 7 & 8 users - don't forget to change file permissions of the install directory as per below).

Forward Arrow Google Drive - sikhi_to_the_max_II_setup.exe (44 Mb)


The SikhiToTheMAX software is a Microsoft Windows based development that runs on PCs running the Windows operating system.

The system requires the .NET framework version to run as a prerequisite.

For Windows Vista/ Windows 7 & 8 users:

Why does the program run once then return an error every time I try to run it?

After installing the software, Windows Vista users also need to follow these steps to ensure that the security settings allow the software to run.

By default the directory where STTM II gets installed does not have the correct permissions. We will endeavour to fix this shortly. To overcome the problem follow these instructions. You will need administrator rights.

1) Open file explorer
2) Select the install directory (by default this will be C:Program FilesSikhiToTheMAX II)
3) Right click on the directory
4) Select properties
5) Select the Security tab
6) Click the "Edit…" button
7) In the "Group or user names" list select "User (YourPCUsers)" (YourPC will be your computer name)
8) In the "Permissions for Users" click on the "Allow" checkbox for "Full Control".

All of the checkboxes in the "Allow" column should now be selected.
Click "OK"
Click "OK"

Run the software.

If you have any other problems and need help, please let us know.

Sikhi To The MAX II - Powerpoint Templates

Here are some more Powerpoint templates that were created for the software. Please send us your creations to add to this list.

Forward Arrow Google Drive - Download Sikhi To The MAX II - Powerpoint Templates

Training and How To Use

Here are some training videos to show you how to use the software.

In English -

Forward Arrow Sikhi To The MAX II Software Part 1 (English) - Quick Overview Of Features

Forward Arrow Sikhi To The MAX II Software Part 2 (English) - English Searching

Forward Arrow Sikhi To The MAX II Software Part 3 (English) - Gurmukhi Searching

Forward Arrow Sikhi To The MAX II Software Part 4 (English) - Using The Slide Navigator

Forward Arrow Sikhi To The MAX II Software Part 5 (English) - Setting Options

Forward Arrow Sikhi To The MAX II Software Part 6 (English) - Saving Your Searches

Forward Arrow Sikhi To The MAX II Software Part 7 (English) - Using The Indexes

In Punjabi -

Forward Arrow Sikhi To The MAX II Software Part 1 (Punjabi) - Introduction And Index's

Forward Arrow Sikhi To The MAX II Software Part 2 (Punjabi) - Searching

Forward Arrow Sikhi To The MAX II Software Part 3 (Punjabi) - Using View And Slide Navigator

Forward Arrow Sikhi To The MAX II Software Part 4 (Punjabi) - Filtering Results

Forward Arrow Sikhi To The MAX II Software Part 5 (Punjabi) - Setting Options

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